Saturday, July 11, 2009

Native Woman 2

This image was done by Carlee Wurdemann

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Native Woman Sketch

This image was done by Ashley Thomas.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Art Work

The After-School program kids did several pieces of artwork. We will be posting them over the next week. All of the pieces are nature or Native themed. This first is done by Jon Thomas and is Shrek in Native regalia.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Camp

We are currently in the second week of summer camp and the children are having a great time!

Children's Health Fair Photos

The Children's Health Fair occurred last month here at the Cultural Center and was sponsored by Catawba Service Unit and Indian Health Service. The fair was a huge success. Here are a few photos from the event. Please let me know in the comments section if you want to see more.

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The Fair included Height, Weight, and Blood Pressure screenings. There was also a Teddy Bear First Aid Station where the children could bring their favorite stuffed animal for a Check Up.

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There was also information from Medicaid DHEC about Staying Safe and Healthy.

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The children got to learn about eating smart and moving more.

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There was also information about tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

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Face painting and free gifts were also available.

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A car seat safety check was available with replacement seats for toddlers and younger children.

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The York County Sheriff's Department and SWAT team was available for kid's fingerprinting and a demonstration.

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The children enjoyed the fair and were able to learn helpful information about their health.

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May is National Mental Heath Awareness Month

In our children’s program we had our children and some of our staff work on a phrase and they had to complete the sentence. The phrase was “It’s more than just a…”. Our children and Staff had to come up with something that made them feel good or sad.


It’s more than just a Song. It sometimes tells the mood you are in. It brightens your day if you are sad. It can make you laugh at how the song sounds. It always makes you have a better day to hear a song on the radio.--Ms. Elizabeth

It’s more than just a Laugh. My laugh means a lot to me and it should to you it means I love you, it means I like you, it means also so they’re not special not just to give out it is more like a present from me to you.--Carlee
Helping out

It’s more than just a Mind. You have lot’s of different things in your mind. It’s more than just anger or happiness. It’s more than just being a different person it’s being your self. I love everybody.--Bryn


A Poem

This poem was written by one of our After-School kids. Again, we wanted to share this with you because we are so proud of our children's accomplishments.

It's Only A Dream

Taylor Bruce


On a clear crisp morning

I sit beside a tree,

Looking across a field

To see what I can see.

I hear the chirps of birds,

The chatter of the squirrels.

I am just a visitor in their woodland world.


While enjoying the morning hunt,

I hear something strange, it's a REALLY

big deer coming into range.

I slowly raise my gun with my hands starting to shake,

my breathing deepens with every breath I take.


I hesitate to take a breath,

as I am about to pull the trigger.

Before I put this animal to death,

I swear the deer is getting bigger.


I hear the gun go boom,

I look for my trophy,

I wake up in my room.